
Incremental authentication with pre-filled fields (Social and Form login)

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With this feature it will be possible to get user information from the Social login, and integrate them with any additional data required by the following Custom form.

Since many fields will be pre-filled by the Social login, the user won't need to fill the form from scratch, but if the privacy setting of his Social profile prevents some fields to be gathered, the Custom form could require them anyway, completing the collected information by the whole login process.

This feature is applied only at the first user login to the SSID.
This feature  is not retroactive, when enabled, it is valid only for new authentications


How to configure the Social login prefilled form based 



In the advanced settings of the desired Social login, be sure to enable the option "Ask to fill custom form to complete login" and click the Save button to confirm.




In the Custom form Advanced settings, add all fields you consider mandatory and make sure they are set as required (this is visible from the asterisk symbol * ).
Click the Save button to confirm.

custom option

This will complete the configuration for the incremental authentication with pre-filled fields, for Social and Form login.


Login process

This is the incremental login process that user will experience, accessing to the Splash page


User proceeds with a social login (e.g. Facebook).

Social login



After the Social media login, the Custom form will appear asking to complete any required field, but with all of the possible fields already pre-filled:

prefilled form

In the example above the form is pre-filled with the social login user information, except for Location, which was configured as required.
If the customer will try to access without providing any required fields, a warning will appear:



If the Social login includes a social action, that will appear after the Custom form step.

Related Articles
Social Login overview
Form Login

TitleIncremental authentication with pre-filled fields (Social and Form login)
URL NameIncremental-authentication-with-pre-filled-fields-Social-and-Form-login

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